The official website of the World of Warcraft RP guild, The Reliquary Institute, on Argent Dawn, EU.

Starting on September 2nd, we will be opening our doors to all Horde citizens who come with good intentions and strong RP manners to address public inquiries, meet promising new recruits, conduct interviews, and engage in casual roleplay! Below, you can find the full promotional text.See you at the office!

The Reliquary Institute is opening its doors to general public on every other Monday. If you stumble upon anything that needs the Reliquary's attention, do not hesitate to visit us.Our experts can assist with:Deciphering ancient texts and languages: From hieroglyphics to arcane scripts, we can unlock the secrets of the past.
Authenticating and appraising relics: Is that family heirloom a priceless treasure or a clever forgery? Let us determine its true value.
Investigating unexplained phenomena: Have you witnessed something extraordinary? Share your story with us and let's unravel the mystery together.
⚲ Location

Diving into the War Within

Greetings, everyone,We're excited to share the latest updates from our guild. Despite the summer shuffle and our smaller roster, we've managed to stay active with at least one event weekly. A massive thank you to all our members for your continued dedication and support!As the War Within draws closer, we've outlined our approach to the "radiant song" and "radiant memories" storylines. We've also orchestrated a mini-campaign involving void ethereal agents (presumably of Xalatath) attempting to steal artifacts from our vaults, tying into the next expansion pack's storyline. While we've successfully repelled this threat, disturbing discoveries across Azeroth indicate a growing danger that demands our full attention. We're gearing up for the impending expansion in two weeks and are preparing to take decisive action at our upcoming second Triannual Meeting.To give everyone ample time to explore the new expansion, we'll maintain our summer schedule for another one to two months. That said, we're always on the lookout for new members interested in our style of roleplay.Best regards,Administration

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The Reliquary Institute, founded by Professor Arypus Coldgaze as an autonomous division of the distinguished Reliquary organization introduced during Cataclysm, embarks on a mission to explore the vast expanses of Azeroth. Aligned with the principles set forth by High Examiner Tae'thelan Bloodwatcher and the Sunfury Spire, the Institute pledges unwavering allegiance to the kingdom of Quel'thalas.Our primary objective is to unearth powerful artifacts and relics, meticulously authenticate them, and utilize auction proceeds to benefit our members. Simultaneously, we are committed to contributing to charities across Azeroth and investigating potential sources of magic. Functioning as a nexus of scholarly ambitions, the Institute encourages members to engage in diverse pursuits, spanning magical training, historical research, magical arts, and even engineering. Our activities are collectively determined by the members, fostering a dynamic and enriching environment. The Institute hosts research campaigns, on-demand lectures, and training sessions, extending a semi-open invitation to the public for participation.Open to collaboration and partnerships with organizations that uphold ethical standards, the Institute, as a semi-governmental entity, is dedicated to maintaining the highest levels of professionalism and integrity. All Institute members, regardless of Horde or Alliance affiliation (refer to this article), are expected to embody these principles, conducting themselves with dignity and respect towards colleagues and the communities we serve.If you aspire to join our ranks, seek the thrill of exploration, and are drawn to academic excellence and wealth accumulation, we encourage you to visit our offices at the Royal Exchange in Silvermoon City or Keepers Terrace in Dornogal. We believe in the potential of every individual and are constantly seeking talented and dedicated members to join us on our quest.

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  • Meta-gaming, god-emoting, and lore-breaking are strictly forbidden and repeated offenses of this rule will result in a ban.

  • Public ERP and public displays of improper behavior are not allowed. However, activities in complete privacy are not of our concern.

  • IC is IC, OOC is OOC. Members are expected to distinguish between the two precisely. Carrying IC matters to OOC or vice versa will prompt a firm action from the administration.

  • Demonstrating decent RP Etiquette through actions is expected. For starters, members are expected to ALWAYS state their attendance status for events in advance.

  • Persisting absence and failure to provide the bare minimum respect and courtesy for the hard work put into the events will eventually result in permanent contract termination, blacklisting of the individual IC, and removal from the server OOC.

  • Members are expected to be mindful of hierarchical boundaries, particularly when communicating externally. Always consult an officer or the GM when you're contacted about guild business.

  • While head-canons can be enjoyable, conflicting with canon lore is heavily frowned upon. Members should educate themselves in lore, with necessary materials and resources provided in appropriate channels on our Discord.

  • Following and reading any given material is voluntary but expected for members to stay updated.

  • Members of the Institute must treat everyone with the utmost respect at all times, strictly prohibiting harassment, targeting, sexism, racism, homophobia, or hate speech. Repeated violation of this rule will result with a permanent ban.

  • Sharing illegal, age-restricted, or obscene content, including text, images, or links featuring nudity, sex, violence, or other graphically disturbing content on guild's discord server, is strictly prohibited. However, mild themes relevant to intellectual discussions may be excused.

  • Confidentiality is paramount. Any information acquired within the Institute, including personal details about members, should not be shared outside the organization. Gossip and doxxing are serious offenses and will result in permanent banning.

  • Members and associates who manage to get banned from our guild or Discord community will be Blacklisted and removed from our social circle, both IC and OOC.

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Guild Structure

Headmaster Guild MasterAt the helm of the Institute stands the indomitable figure of the Headmaster, whose word reigns supreme within our organization, even as they graciously welcome the counsel of the Examiners. With steadfast resolve, they shape the very essence of the Institute, crafting its identity and steering its course towards greatness.Examiner Administrator / OfficerExaminers, on par with the Headmaster, rule the Institute's affairs with their valuable council. They oversee research projects, plan expeditions, mentor members, and maintain peace. Additionally, they act as diplomatic envoys in the Headmaster's absence.ScholarScholars possess diverse skills and expertise in various types of magic, alongside extensive knowledge in fields like history, art, literature, mathematics, linguistics, and semiotics. They serve as mentors to Seekers, guiding their academic pursuits. Additionally, Scholars may initiate new research projects based on personal interests. Ultimately, they answer to the Examiners, ensuring alignment with our organizational goals.OverseerCharged with the paramount duty of safeguarding expeditions and upholding security within the Institute, Overseers stand as the Institute's primary defenses. Beyond their defensive role, they undertake covert missions, meticulously survey operational territories, and furnish the organization with invaluable intelligence.SeekerSeekers are aspiring scholars who tirelessly work to earn their place among the academic elite. Tasked with retrieving artifacts and conducting magical research and experiments, they collaborate closely with mentors to study and catalog artifacts, deepening our understanding.ConfidantConfidants are esteemed allies of the Institute, hailing from the Alliance and other factions beyond the Horde. They fulfill roles below the rank of Examiner, meeting specific criteria for their positions while actively representing the Institute within their respective factions.AssociateThis is the entry-level position for new recruits. Upon joining, everyone undergoes a trial phase, during which they demonstrate their commitment and abilities to the organization. This phase continues until they earn their place within our organizational structure. Furthermore, individuals who wish to contribute but cannot fully commit or integrate (such as Alliance members) remain at the Associate rank. Importantly, this rank does not confer full membership.

Diagram of Hierarchy

Chain of Command

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In-Character Matters

Financial Affairs

- The Reliquary Institute's funding primarily originates from donations by noble houses, occasional loans from the royal treasury, and proceeds from auctions it hosts.
- While the Institute operates rent-free in its offices in Quel'thalas with government support, it pays rent for its neutral office in Valdrakken City.
Payment Procedures- In-character (IC), members' salaries are directly deposited into Silvermoon City Bank and Valdrakken City Bank by the Headmaster on the first day of each month.
- Salaries are subjective to individual interpretation but are fair and calculated based on rank and merit. Even lower-ranked members should earn enough to cover their accommodation and food expenses, though poor budget management may lead to financial challenges.
- Higher-ranked individuals receive proportionally higher salaries, affording them the ability to indulge in luxuries such as fine clothing or vacations worldwide. However, these salaries are comparable to those of white-collar managers in the real world, offering comfort but not extreme wealth.

Progression Paths

- Upon joining, all members are initially assigned the Associate rank.
- Members who do not feel as ambitious may remain in this rank indefinitely.
- By default, Alliance members remain as associates and are not integrated into the guild's hierarchical structure. However, they have the option to become a Confidant
Becoming a Confidant
- To ascend to the role of Confidant, an irregular associate must fulfill the promotion criteria applicable to any of the other roles listed below. In essence, eligibility for positions such as Seeker, Overseer, or Scholar—any role offered to regular members—qualifies an associate for promotion.
Becoming a Seeker
- To attain the title of Seeker, akin to a field researcher or research assistant, individuals must submit at least one field report for consideration.
- From an OOC standpoint, Seeker represents a core member role. No further progression is required or expected if the player chooses not to pursue it.
Becoming a Scholar
- Those aspiring to become Scholars must actively engage in IC research, submit reports or journals, and play integral roles in a major expedition or several minor ones.
- From an OOC standpoint, Scholar represents a veteran member role. Due to the game's limitations, no further progression is available for these members currently.
Becoming an Overseer
- Candidates for the Overseer position must actively participate in events, conduct scouting or security tasks, and attend either a major expedition or several minor ones.
- From an OOC standpoint, Overseer represents a veteran member role. Due to the game's limitations, no further progression is available for these members currently.
Becoming an Examiner (Administrator)
- Attaining the rank of Examiner demands exceptional magical and academic knowledge, skills, and power, along with exemplary organizational and leadership abilities. This rank is reserved for Co-GMs, administration, and characters of comparable status to canon elite NPCs.
- This position is offered by the Administration when needed.

❗ Promotions are awarded based on an evaluation of each member's IC contribution as recorded in the Event Attendance Log and Quest Log on our Discord server.

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How can you join us?

Before applying, you must create a legal record using the provided template and examples at the bottom of this page. This document allows us to efficiently review your character's background and affiliations without extensive interrogation. In-character, it serves security purposes.Please note that you are submitting this document out-of-character (OOC), while our officers will review it in-character (IC). This is NOT an application form; it is purely submitted OOCly. Our organization, with its semi-governmental status, has the means to thoroughly investigate your character's legal history. Any omissions that should have been known to our officials may lead to a reconsideration of your membership. By submitting a complete and accurate legal record, you demonstrate your understanding of our organization and its requirements.Once your legal record is complete, join our Discord server and contact a recruiting officer to schedule an interview.If we're a good match, you're in!

What to expect from the interview?

Our off-screen vetting process, based on your provided document, streamlines the interview to focus on getting to know your character and discussing how we can meet their needs.During your interview, you'll receive a folder containing essential information about the Institute. This documentation reflects the information available on our website, allowing your character to familiarize themselves with our organizational structure and integrate smoothly.Yes, after this point, you can metagame about the matters addressed in the links below.

As a final step, you'll sign a contract. This is simply a confirmation that your character agrees to abide by our rules and accepts their contractual obligations, formalizing our relationship.⚠️ Please note that the game only allows Alliance members to join if they are BattleTag friends or in the same community as the GM. We recommend joining our in-game community before seeking recruitment.

How to write a legal record?

We’ve prepared a template for members to use, but you’re welcome to create your own format as long as you include all the required information.1. Access the link provided: Character Record Document.
2. Copy the contents of the document, and remember to replace everything marked in red with your character’s information.
3. Visit and navigate to "Create Content" > "Adventure" (be sure to tick ‘published works’).
4. Paste the copied content into the appropriate section.
5. Fill in your character’s information, and feel free to remove any parts that don’t apply.
6. In the ‘guild link’ box, type "The Reliquary Institute" (it should appear; select it).
7. Title it as "The Record of [Your Character’s Name]."
8. Finally, publish your character record.
If you need more assistance, review the records of other members while creating your own. These records are easily accessible on Argent Archives, and it’s perfectly fine to draw inspiration from them.If you prefer not to use Argent Archives, you can submit your document through our Discord server. Simply prepare your document in any word processor, convert it to PDF, and share it with one of our officers.

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Out-Of-Character Information

Who are we?Founded in 2013, our guild has persevered through intermittent periods of dormancy and inactivity since. But don't let our history intimidate you! Despite facing challenges, we've maintained our commitment to providing a vibrant and engaging community.We're a passionate group drawn to unique themes that blend survival and exploration with an academic twist and a touch of magic. Whether it's unraveling ancient mysteries or embarking on daring adventures, there's never a dull moment in our storytelling.In our community, we prioritize respect, kindness, and camaraderie. We've cultivated a warm and welcoming atmosphere where members feel valued and supported. From in-character interactions to out-of-character discussions, we strive to maintain a sense of dignity and compassion at all times.Our code of conduct, as outlined in Rules section briefly, is regarded as sacred as we navigate our daily activities. In the midst of passionate discussions and heated debates, our mature and easy-going demeanor shines through. We believe in approaching challenges with grace and understanding, fostering a community where everyone feels heard and valued.What should you expect from us?To fully immerse participants in the narrative and deepen their individual backstories, tasks are assigned tailored to each character's persona. As the narrative unfolds, the collective effort is directed towards pursuing their leads, embarking on quests to retrieve artifacts or uncover the rich tapestry of lore surrounding them, facilitated through a series of DM-controlled events.This methodology serves to foster a sense of inclusivity, ensuring that each participant's involvement feels deeply personal and integral to the unfolding story. By engaging with the DM to express desired directions, participants can collaboratively determine their character's unique task, thereby guiding the narrative towards new and exciting developments.The events offered provide an immersive, story-driven experience where actions can have lasting consequences. The simple rank system and welcoming atmosphere encourage active participation, allowing participants to shape event outcomes. Additionally, the creation and DMing of personal story arcs and events are permitted with officer approval, further enhancing the depth and breadth of the narrative experience.Read: Our Dice Mechanics & RP SystemWhat do we expect from you?We anticipate that all members will comply with the rules and actively contribute to the Institute's cohesion.Diversity is celebrated within our ranks, and we're proud to have members from various backgrounds and walks of life. While inclusivity is a core value, we don't tolerate excuses for inappropriate behavior. Cultural differences are not an excuse for disrespect, and we expect all members, both old and new, to uphold our standards of conduct and demonstrate the same level of maturity.Creating a "background record" in the form of a legal document before applying, with examples provided on our Argent Archives page, is obligatory. This allows us to review your character's history and affiliations without resorting to extensive IC interrogation. As a semi-governmental entity, our organization possesses the capability to access such documentation.While we do not impose a strict dress code or uniform on our members, wearing a tabard during events is encouraged, though not obligatory.What do we offer in addition?Beyond our events, we have a cross-faction community in-game and maintain a Discord server for regular IC and OOC conversations. Your opinions and contributions are always valued.

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The Archive serves as a presumed physical location in our roleplay, housing all of our written works. All members can access these resources whenever necessary.However, gaining access to legal records requires approval from the administration. And thus, the compilation is only available on our discord.Everything you see here, except for the "Stories", is written by the members from their IC perspective.Location: Silvermoon City, Beneath the Office in the Royal Exchange

◈ → Archive: Index ← ◈


The Vaults serve as a central repository in our roleplay, housing all of our recovered artifacts. Some of these artifacts are exceptionally powerful and potentially dangerous, so they are securely stored. Others are available for members' use. Additionally, a record of previously auctioned items is maintained here for reference.Location: In the pocket dimension of Sol'dinelAccess and Use
Members are encouraged to study any of the artifacts stored in our vaults or use them in their roleplay in general. If you desire any of the mentioned items, feel free to contact an officer!
Current Inventory
For the most up-to-date information about the current inventory, please refer to the following link:

◈ → Vault: Inventory ← ◈


We host events weekly, sometimes twice a week depending on the campaign material.Below, you'll find the list of activities we offer regularly.

Below, you'll find the list of one-time events we have hosted since the launch of Dragonflight.

Wyrmhoard Auction Extravaganza

Dragonscale Expedition


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Welcome to the Institute!

With your recruitment process complete, there are just a few small steps left to get you ready for guild roleplay!

Getting Started:1. Dice Mechanics & RP System: Be sure to read through our Dice Mechanics & RP System, and submit your character's stats and inventory. While itemization is optional, you must specify your character's HP and Armor Stats.2. Character Traits and Items: When introducing your character, we are quite lenient about what you bring into our roleplay. However, after your initial introduction, we kindly request that you earn your character's powers and abilities through participation in action-packed events.3. Character Goals: If you have a specific goal or role in mind for your character, let our officers know so they can craft missions that align with your progression path. However, this is totally optional!

Navigating the Server:◈ Once you receive your 'member' role on Discord, the number of channels available might seem overwhelming. TAKE A DEEP BREATH AND RELAX! It’s not as complex as it seems at first glance. Our server is well-organized and well-moderated, and you'll get the hang of it quickly. Here are a few tips to help you:— Go to "server settings" and tick the box next to "Show All Channels" since some channels might hide after a period of inactivity.
Keep "@me" and "@role" notifications enabled. We don't spam members with these unless a response is required or the information is significant, so it's important not to miss them.
— If you're unsure where to post something, read the "channel info" and check out the pinned messages. Each channel has its own description.

Server Categories:Vital Info: This category is crucial, as it covers all the rules and guidelines. All members are expected to familiarize themselves with this section. A copy of this information is provided to all members in-character (IC) to learn the guidelines and such.IC Category: Follow this category regularly. We often use server emotes, mails, and other elements in our roleplay.
Archive Forum: Located under the IC category, this is where members produce IC materials such as reports and publications. You can skip this if you're not interested.
Murder Row: Exclusive to guild members, this category is where we maintain our guild-related conversations.
Adventure Forums: This section is for event planning, campaigns, and tracking IC activity. Again, if you're not interested, you can skip it.
OOC Category: This is for out-of-character (OOC) chatter. Feel free to use it however you like!

Again, welcome aboard, and enjoy your time at the Reliquary Institute!If you are an Argent Archives user, don't forget to add the guild to your character profile so you will be included in the member list!

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